2015年7月14日 星期二

Continues Errors at startup "Metadata staging failed"

Continues Errors at startup "Metadata staging failed"

I made an interesting discovery. Apparently microsoft has changed something on the domain. Maybe someone of you can order what to do.

I have checked the path in the registry and this is the result.
The path is for Metdaten: go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=252669&clcid=0x409

Attachment 50810
I have the solution for the problem.
Searches on regedit for the following entry: DeviceMetadataServiceURL
There you change the URL in the following: http://dmd.metaservices.microsoft.com/dms/metadata.svc
after you have closed the editor is saved the change.
Now the problem is solved and it will also re-loaded device information.

